Williams Island Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

Williams Island Marina

Distance - 20.9 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
4 hours, 11 minutes
2 hours, 5 minutes
1 hour, 3 minutes
42 minutes
Get route planning for Williams Island Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Williams Island Marina

4100 Island Bl #2, Aventura, Fl 33160

Contact details for Williams Island Marina

+1 (305) 937-7813, Open Daily from 9am to 6pm
Bill Draughon, Marina Manager

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

Pompano Beach

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

+1 (954) 941-0498
Margo Hunt, Marina Manager

Route plan from Williams Island Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina

Williams Island Marina to Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour Marina: A Route Unveiled

Embarking from the plush docks of Williams Island Marina, nestled in the picturesque enclave of Aventura, Florida, your journey to Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour unfolds as an adventure laden with scenic beauty, maritime safety, and hidden gems along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). This route offers an impeccable blend of serene cruising waters, strategic waypoints, and lively stopovers, making it an ideal voyage for the prudent mariner and pleasure boater alike.

Stage 1: Departure from Williams Island Marina

As you set sail, ensure your yacht is well-stocked with safety equipment, navigational aids are functioning, and check the local weather forecast. Leaving the marina, be vigilant of the bustling activity and adhere to the posted speed limits. The ICW here is well-marked, but boat traffic can be dense, especially during holidays and weekends.

Stage 2: Journeying South on the ICW

Navigating southward, the ICW serves as your guide, lined with distinctive red and green markers that are indispensable for maintaining your course. Your initial leg involves cruising past the vibrant cities of North Miami Beach, where the iconic Eastern Shores can be appreciated. This segment requires cautious navigation, given its narrow channels and the potential for strong currents.

Speed restrictions are rigorously enforced in this zone, not only as a safety measure but also to protect the marine habitats. Compliance with these regulations ensures a safe passage and contributes to the conservation of Florida's beautiful but delicate marine ecosystem.

Stage 3: Making Way to the Haulover Inlet

Approaching the Haulover Inlet, an essential navigational consideration comes into play. This natural channel, connecting the ICW to the Atlantic Ocean, can be tricky with shifting sands and currents. Boaters should remain alert, use updated charts, and consider tide times for safe passage. This area, while requiring careful navigation, also presents an opportunity for those wishing to venture out into the open sea for deep-sea fishing or simply to enjoy the vastness of the Atlantic.

Stage 4: Fort Lauderdale and Beyond

Continuing along the ICW, the journey threads through the heart of Fort Lauderdale, renowned as the "Venice of America" due to its expansive and intricate canal system. This segment is visually captivating, with luxurious waterfront residences and impressive yachts. However, the convergence of waterways in this area necessitates astute attention to navigational rules and vigilance for other watercraft.

Safe Havens and Points of Interest

Oleta River State Park - Before reaching Haulover Inlet, consider a detour to this tranquil area for kayaking amidst mangroves, a welcome respite from the bustling ICW.

Las Olas Boulevard - A stop in Fort Lauderdale offers access to this vibrant street, with its array of shops, galleries, and cafes, a perfect blend of relaxation and culture.

Weather Shelter: Should inclement weather threaten your journey, numerous safe harbors and marinas dot the route. Notably, the marinas in Hollywood and Dania Beach offer secure anchorage and comprehensive facilities.

Stage 5: Arrival at Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour

Concluding your journey at Loggerhead Marina - Hidden Harbour, Pompano Beach, ensures a pleasant end to your voyage. This marina, known for its excellent amenities and friendly atmosphere, serves as the perfect base to explore the local area or to rest before your next maritime adventure.

Why This Route?

This carefully charted course is not only about reaching a destination but embracing the journey. It dovetails safety with scenic beauty, making it an exemplary route for both seasoned captains and leisure boaters seeking a blend of adventure and tranquility. With its mix of challenging navigational segments and picturesque landscapes, it is a testament to the joys of boating along Florida's ICW.

Final Considerations

Safety remains paramount. Always stay updated with the latest weather forecasts, navigational alerts, and local regulations. This route, with its balance of safety and exploration, captures the essence of maritime adventure along Florida's gleaming waterways.

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