Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Loblolly Marina

Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina

Distance - 210.1 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 18 hours, 1 minute
21 hours, 1 minute
10 hours, 30 minutes
7 hours
Get route planning for Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Loblolly Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina


Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina

+1 (941) 795-3625
Skip McPadden, General Manager

End Location
Loblolly Marina

7407 SE Hill Terrace
Hobe Sound

Contact details for Loblolly Marina

+1 (772) 546-3136, Office
+1 (772) 486-1084, Cell
Eric Spoelstra, Waterfront Director

Route plan from Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Loblolly Marina

Embarking on a voyage from Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Loblolly Marina promises to be an exhilarating journey filled with captivating views and unique maritime experiences. This passage, though mainly appealing to the seasoned boater, can also offer considerable delights to the less experienced sailor who has a keen sense of adventure and a respectful understanding of the sea's might. Let's embark on charting a course that marries safety with the inherent pleasure of cruising these waters.

Starting Point: Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina

Our journey begins at the Loggerhead Marina in Cortez, a site not just known for its welcoming community of sea-lovers but also for its immediate access to some of Florida's most beautiful waters. Before setting sail, ensure that your vessel is properly equipped, and all safety gear is up to standard, including life jackets, navigation lights, and communication devices.

Initial Leg: Cortez to Sarasota Bay

Departing from Cortez, navigate your vessel towards the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), heading north toward Sarasota Bay. This area is a prime spot for gentle cruising, offering splendid views of the coastline and wildlife. Notable along this stretch are the Longboat Key and its series of navigation markers which demand attentive navigation. Be conscious of the shallow waters around these areas and always keep an eye on your depth finder.

Should you encounter unsettled weather, Jewfish Key to the east offers a calm bay where boaters can seek refuge and anchor safely. Moreover, Sarasota Bay itself is sprinkled with small bays and inlets providing safe harbor if needed.

Mid-Journey: Navigating Sarasota to Pine Island Sound

Progressing beyond Sarasota Bay, the route leads us toward the majestic expanse of Pine Island Sound. This segment is a sailor's delight, with clear blue waters and an ecosystem brimming with aquatic life. It's crucial to adhere to the marked channels since the area has its share of shallow spots and seagrass beds, which are under environmental protection.

A detour worth considering is Cayo Costa, an island state park accessible only by boat, offering pristine beaches and anchorage spots. It's a perfect interlude for nature lovers and an excellent opportunity for an overnight stay under the stars.

Final Leg: Pine Island Sound to Loblolly Marina

The last leg of our journey involves navigating through Pine Island Sound towards Loblolly Marina. Keep a vigilant lookout for the Sanibel Island Lighthouse, a key navigation point marking the entrance to San Carlos Bay, from where Loblolly Marina is just a couple of navigational decisions away.

Upon approaching Loblolly Marina, familiarize yourself with the local boating regulations, including speed limits and no-wake zones. The marina is well-equipped but can be busy during peak seasons, so contacting them in advance for berth availability is advised.


By choosing this route from Loggerhead Marina - Cortez Village Marina to Loblolly Marina, boaters are treated to a spectacular array of Floridian coastlines, marine habitats, and the chance to explore hidden gems along the Gulf Coast. This journey requires diligence and respect for local maritime conditions and regulations but rewards mariners with experiences that encapsulate the essence of cruising in these waters.

Suitable for boaters who relish the blend of adventure with the tranquility of coastal cruising, this trip promises both. From navigating the bustling ICW, appreciating the serenity of Pine Island Sound, to exploring secluded inlets and bays, it encapsulates why boating in Florida remains an unmatched pleasure.

Always prioritize safety, stay informed about the weather, and be prepared for the unexpected. With the right preparation and a spirit of adventure, this journey from Loggerhead Marina to Loblolly Marina will be a memorable one, filled with the joy of discovery and the peace that comes from a deep connection with the sea.

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