Faro Blanco Marina to Peck Lake

Faro Blanco Marina

Distance - 196.7 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 15 hours, 20 minutes
19 hours, 40 minutes
9 hours, 50 minutes
6 hours, 33 minutes
Get route planning for Faro Blanco Marina to Peck Lake with savvy navvy

Start Location
Faro Blanco Marina


Contact details for Faro Blanco Marina

+1 (305) 434-9047, Slip Reservations
Barb Curtis, General Manager

End Location
Peck Lake

ICW - Jupiter Island

Contact details for Peck Lake

Route plan from Faro Blanco Marina to Peck Lake

Faro Blanco Marina to Peck Lake: A Pilotage Plan


Embarking from the picturesque Faro Blanco Marina, located on the Gulf side of Marathon in the Florida Keys, sets the stage for an unforgettable journey to Peck Lake, nestled along Florida’s Atlantic coast near Jupiter Island. This voyage promises a blend of mesmerizing landscapes, noteworthy navigation considerations, and delightful stopovers, tailored for the discerning boater who values safety and the thrill of exploration.

Departure: Faro Blanco Marina

Begin your journey in the early morning, taking advantage of the calm waters and the marina’s comprehensive services. Ensure your vessel is well-provisioned and that all safety equipment is onboard and functional.

Initial Course Setting and Notable Stops

  1. Vaca Key to Key Largo: Depart Faro Blanco Marina, heading east towards the Seven Mile Bridge, entering the Hawk Channel. This stretch offers a relatively sheltered passage with the Keys buffering the Atlantic swell. Pay attention to the weather forecasts as the area can experience sudden changes, especially during hurricane season. A stop at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park in Key Largo offers a sheltered anchorage and is a prime spot for snorkeling.
  2. Key Largo to Miami: Continue along the Hawk Channel, maintaining a vigilant watch for commercial traffic and recreational boaters. Navigational aids are plentiful and well-maintained. Consider a detour into Biscayne Bay if the weather turns, taking shelter in No Name Harbor on Key Biscayne, which also offers a stunning view of the Miami skyline.
  3. Miami to Fort Lauderdale: Navigate along the outside, mindful of the Florida Current which is an extension of the Gulf Stream. Its strength and direction can significantly affect your course. Plan a stop at Fort Lauderdale to explore the “Venice of America,” with its impressive network of canals and luxury waterfront homes.
  4. Fort Lauderdale to West Palm Beach: Proceed northward, closely following the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW). This section requires attentiveness to the marked channels, drawbridges (which may have operating schedules), and other vessels. Peanut Island near West Palm Beach offers a secure anchorage and recreational activities including snorkeling around the island’s clear waters.
  5. West Palm Beach to Peck Lake: The final leg of the journey takes you through some of the most scenic parts of the ICW, including Jupiter Island. As you approach Peck Lake, prepare for a relatively shallow entry. Peck Lake is well-known for its pristine conditions, offering an idyllic stop with opportunities for kayaking and exploring the Hobe Sound National Wildlife Refuge.

Points of Interest

  • John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park: A marvel for underwater enthusiasts.
  • No Name Harbor: Offers a safe haven with breathtaking views of Miami.
  • Fort Lauderdale’s Canals: Experience the city's aquatic charm.
  • Peanut Island: Perfect for a day of water sports and relaxation.

Navigation Considerations

  • Weather: Always monitor local weather conditions; summer months can bring afternoon thunderstorms, and the hurricane season requires particular attention.
  • Traffic: The ICW can be busy; observe all navigational rules and be courteous to fellow boaters.
  • Bridges: Be aware of drawbridge schedules and restrictions, especially in urban areas.
  • Water Depth: Ensure your charts are up to date, as shoaling can change the depth of channels quickly, especially near inlets and Peck Lake.


This voyage is perfect for boaters who appreciate a blend of open-sea and inland waterway navigation. It’s suited for those who are comfortable with the demands of coastal cruising, and who also enjoy exploring marine parks, local cultures, and natural refuges.

Final Note

This journey from Faro Blanco Marina to Peck Lake encapsulates the essence of Florida’s boating paradise, offering a balanced mix of serenity, adventure, and navigational challenges. With a keen focus on safety, weather preparedness, and respect for local regulations, boaters are promised a truly memorable experience.

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