Boca Grande Marina to Goodland Bay

Boca Grande Marina

Distance - 81.8 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
16 hours, 22 minutes
8 hours, 11 minutes
4 hours, 5 minutes
2 hours, 44 minutes
Get route planning for Boca Grande Marina to Goodland Bay with savvy navvy

Start Location
Boca Grande Marina

P.O. Box 280
Boca Grande

Contact details for Boca Grande Marina

+1 (941) 964-2100
+1 (941) 964-2550
Jeff Dietrich, Marina Manager

End Location
Goodland Bay

Coon Key Pass

Contact details for Goodland Bay

Route plan from Boca Grande Marina to Goodland Bay

Pilotage Plan from Boca Grande Marina to Goodland Bay

Embarking on a journey from Boca Grande Marina to Goodland Bay offers an exquisite cruising experience, blending the allure of pristine waters with the charm of Gulf Coast scenery. This route is especially suited for boaters who appreciate a blend of tranquility, navigational challenges, and the allure of Florida's natural beauty paired with its rich maritime culture.

Departure: Boca Grande Marina

Commence your voyage at Boca Grande Marina, located on Gasparilla Island. Ensure your vessel is equipped with all necessary safety equipment, including life jackets, communication devices, and navigation tools. Check the weather forecast and inform local marina staff of your itinerary.

Navigational Highlights and Hazards

  1. Gasparilla Sound: As you leave Boca Grande, you’ll navigate through the serene waters of Gasparilla Sound. Keep an eye out for the Gasparilla Island Lighthouse, an iconic landmark. The sound is generally calm, but be mindful of shallow spots and occasional boating traffic.
  2. Charlotte Harbor: Entering Charlotte Harbor, one of the largest estuaries in Florida, offers a vast expanse for cruising with spectacular wildlife viewing opportunities. However, it's essential to respect the area's sensitive ecosystem. Pay attention to weather conditions, as the harbor can be challenging during storms. Utilize the marked channels and heed the local speed regulations.
  3. Pine Island Sound: Cruising southward, you’ll encounter Pine Island Sound, rich in mangrove islands and seagrass beds. It's a perfect spot for nature enthusiasts. Navigation is straightforward, but shallow areas require careful attention. The sound provides sheltered waters, making it a safe haven during unexpected weather changes.
  4. Sanibel to Fort Myers Beach: The route past Sanibel Island towards Fort Myers Beach showcases dazzling beaches and an opportunity to observe the historic Sanibel Lighthouse. Maintain a vigilant lookout for swimmers and kayakers, especially around popular beaches.
  5. Estero Bay: Navigate through Estero Bay with its clear waters and abundant marine life. This area is a no-wake zone to protect the local wildlife; thus, a low-speed journey here can be both a conservation effort and a chance to soak in the natural beauty.

Points of Interest and Shelter Options

  • Cabbage Key: Ideal for a stopover, Cabbage Key offers a unique dining experience at the Cabbage Key Inn and Restaurant, accessible only by boat. It's a quaint spot perfect for a leisurely lunch.
  • Useppa Island: A historical island with rich tales dating back to the Calusa Indians. The Useppa Island Club provides insights into the local history and culture. It’s a members-only club but offers reciprocal visits for yacht club members.
  • Lovers Key State Park: Before reaching Estero Bay, consider a detour to Lovers Key State Park, renowned for its wildlife, walking trails, and kayaking opportunities.

Arrival: Goodland Bay

Goodland Bay, located near Marco Island, is your final destination. This small, friendly community is known for its excellent seafood restaurants and laid-back lifestyle. The approach to Goodland involves careful navigation through the Marco River; pay attention to the currents and tidal influences.

Local Regulations and Recommendations

  • Adhere to all speed limit zones, especially in narrow channels and near residential areas.
  • Be mindful of manatee zones, marked by signage indicating reduced speeds to protect these gentle giants.
  • Ensure your vessel complies with Florida boating regulations, including safety equipment and pollution control measures.
  • Prioritize radio check-ins, particularly when navigating through busier channels or approaching marinas.


The journey from Boca Grande Marina to Goodland Bay is not just a passage; it’s an exploration that offers both the serenity and the vibrant pulse of Florida's Gulf Coast. It caters to the adventurous spirit of boaters who cherish navigating through nature's marvels, with the added spice of local culture and maritime history. Safety, interwoven with the joy of discovery, makes this route a compelling narrative of sea, sky, and land.

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