
Karibian merikartta (kartat), sää ja reititys.

Karibian merikartan kaaviot
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Vaikka monet maalla saattavat kutsua näitä karttoja "merikartoiksi", merellä
(jossa meillä on useita nimiä melkein mihin tahansa), kutsumme yleensä näitä "kaavioiksi"


Intuitiivinen tekniikka, joka auttaa sinua navigoimaan Karibianmerellä helposti.

savvy Kaavioita

Karibian merikartta

Savvy charts™ are now available in the Caribbean. Our Caribbean sea map (chart) data is sourced from official hydrographic offices and is blended with our unique style to make them easier and more enjoyable to use. Every Caribbean island is different so why not check out our coverage map here.

Karibianmeren merikartat
Vuorovesikartat Karibia

Karibian vuorovesi

Get access to global tidal data sourced from more than eight thousand tide stations around the planet. Our Savvy tidal graphs enable you to quickly check the changing high and low tide throughout the day. You can also view tide information and direction by dropping a pin in our tidal stream overlay.

merenkulun GPS

Karibianmeren GPS-seuranta

Whether you’re cruising the Caribbean or racing in a RORC event you can easily check your position, COG and SOG, view Caribbean sea maps and critical distances on your phone or tablet at the tap of a screen.

Veneen GPS-sovellus
tuulikartat Karibian meri

Karibianmeren tuulikartta

Tarkista tuulen voimakkuus ja suunta nopeasti visuaalisella tuulikerroksellamme. Vaihda kaaviota pitkin muuttaaksesi päivämäärää ja aikaa nähdäksesi tuulen muuttuvan vaikutuksen koko Karibialla seuraavien päivien aikana.

purjehdus sääennuste

Karibianmeri Sääennuste

Käytä liukusäädintä tarkistaaksesi karibian muuttuvat sääolosuhteet, tuulen nopeuden ja suunnan.

Sään ennustaminen
Itärannikon USA-kaaviot veneille
savvy navvy reitin piirtäminen

Karibian meriväylän suunnittelu

Create the perfect route to sail or motor taking into account your boat details, weather conditions and Caribbean sea map (chart) data. Drop a pin at your start and finish locations and Savvy Navvy will plot the best route given the time, date and conditions.


Arvioitu saapumisaika

Whether you plan on arriving island time or on time when you plot a route Savvy Navvy will display your estimated distance to travel and predicted arrival time, so you can take the guesswork out of getting from A to B.


Lisää veneilysovelluksen ominaisuuksia.

Polttoaineen käyttö

It’s not always easy to find a fuel dock in the Caribbean. So for greater peace of mind, you can set your cruising speed and fuel efficiency in your boat settings. Savvy Navvy will then display a predicted fuel usage for your journey in the Caribbean Sea so you can plan ahead and avoid getting caught out.

Aikataulun lähtöaika

Katso yhdellä silmäyksellä paras aika lähteä reitin, tuulen ja vuorovesiolosuhteiden perusteella, katso esittely.

CTS - Kurssi ohjata

You may not have to worry about tides in the Caribbean but you can still easily view your Course to Steer (CTS) and get a visual overview of your route, instantly with Savvy routing™.

Tutustu Karibian venesatamiin ja ankkuripaikkoihin

Every island is different but that’s no reason not to cruise like a local. Use Savvy Navvy to check marina and anchorage information, review the seabed holding, VHF numbers, amenities, restaurants, fuel docks and more.

Yö- ja satelliittinäkö

Caribbean nights can be dark, really dark. Toggle to Savvy night mode to protect your night vision when cruising the island in the dark. Alternatively switch to satellite mode to take a closer look at your favourite Caribbean harbours, marinas and beaches.

Karibian sää- ja karttatiedot - offline-tilassa

Going off-grid is all part of the fun. Download your chart and weather packs before losing signal to continue using all the great Savvy features you love.

Lataa reitti

Would you like to use your Savvy routing™ to view your Caribbean sea maps and passage plans on your boat chart plotter? Then use our “Export Route” feature to download your route as a GPX file which can then be easily uploaded.

Asiakastuki Caribbean Boatersille

Savvy Navvy have a dedicated customer support team that will support you throughout your Caribbean adventures! Simply use our chat system through the app or contact us at

Karibianmeren kartat

We don’t restrict charts based on location. So if you’re a Savvy Navvy member you get access to all our Savvy charts™ wherever we have coverage.

Itching to go boating in the Caribbean?
Download Savvy Navvy to get started.

iOS ja iPadOS.

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Ladata savvy navvy Androidille